Tournament management

Manage your tournaments and leagues with ease

Enjore PRO Manager makes it easier and quicker to organize your tournaments and leagues and reduces the chances of making mistakes.

You can create different kinds of tournaments:

  • round-robin tournaments
  • knock-out tournaments
  • groups+knock-outhe 

You can establish the number of points for win, draw, loss or tie-break according to the kind of sport.

Fill in the match reports by taking note of scores and statistics and you will automatically obtain:

  • tables for teams
  • tables and statistics for players
  • fair-play table

The tournaments pages allow users and players to stay updated. They contain updated tables, schedules and match dates. Users can comment on the matches and judge the players' performances both from their computers and smartphones. 

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Our customers love us!

Some customers using the Enjore PRO Manager platform:

Futbol Platform - California, USA
Sportland - Milan, Italy
Gazzetta Football League - Italy
Arend - Naples, Italy
Top Five - Turin, Italia
Torneo Campeones - Argentina