iOS and Android Apps

Create a tailored App for your torunaments

With Enjore PRO Manager, you can manage your tournaments from mobile devices

Your iOS and Android Apps, tailored with your logo and colors, allow you to:

  • see news, schedules and tables
  • view statistics for teams and players
  • fill in the game sheets
  • fill in the match reports
  • upload photos and videos
  • comment on the players' performances
  • manage teams and players

You can update your tournaments in real time and stay in contact with players thus increasing their engagement.

Ask for information

Discover how to have a tailored software.

Or call us at +39 080.455.0031

Our customers love us!

Some customers using the Enjore PRO Manager platform:

Futbol Platform - California, USA
Sportland - Milan, Italy
Gazzetta Football League - Italy
Arend - Naples, Italy
Top Five - Turin, Italia
Torneo Campeones - Argentina